Hunting’s Contentious Issues

Hunting’s Contentious Issues – Stephen Palos, CHASA Chair.

I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it! This declaration, famously credited to the French Revolutionary era writer Voltaire, was the essence of the teachings I received at the hands of one of my finest educators, way back in 1979 in std. 8. It is a statement of liberation. Of the right of man to say (and do) as he pleases. But, like all rights, must surely be practiced in a manner which, in turn, does not infringe on the rights of others.

Yet Another Firearms Control Act Amendment Bill

Dear Sir / Madam



The draft Bill which was derived without input from CHASA seeks to radically change certain basic principles of the Firearms Control Act.

CHASA has made some brief preliminary comments on the proposals within the extremely narrow time frame provided by the Secretariat of Police.

Canal Walk Boycott by Confederationof Hunting Associations of South Africa (CHASA)

CHASA has been made aware that the owners and/or management of Canal Walk Shopping Centre in Cape Town have taken steps to ban the carrying of firearms into Canal Walk Shopping Centre.

The management and/or owners of Canal Walk Shopping Centre are well within their legal rights to determine whether they will or will not permit persons to enter their premises with a firearm. This would fall under the rights of the lawful occupier of any premises to determine who and on what conditions persons enter their premises. This is why many premises have right of entry reserved signs.

Huntex Policy on the Carry of Weapons at Future Shows

RE: CHASA Response - Huntex Policy on the Carry of Weapons at Future Shows

The recent announcements by Huntex management and consequent social media action, including calls by some gun owning sectors for a boycott of Huntex have reference.

The CHASA Board discussed the matter in detail at their meeting of 6 September. The overwhelming majority deplored actions designed to restrict firearm carry to anything less than what is already prescribed in relevant legislation. They briefed the CHASA Exco to communicate with Huntex management and to inform our members of our consequent opinions and proposals. CHASA through the Exco have thus agreed:

Proposed Game Meat Scheme


Dear Hunters

There has been a significant discourse recently on hunting social media as well as amongst private email correspondence relating to the proposed GAME MEAT SCHEME that the Department of Agriculture has published. In particular, as far as recreational hunters who shoot animals for OWN USE is concerned, many folk were alarmed by an article written by Robbie Roberts which appeared on page 38 of the SA Jagter/Hunter July edition, where he mentioned a “limit” on the amount of game a person may hunt within a 14 day period for own use (see the sub paragraph on page 40 entitled “NET SOVEEL BOKKE)

Martin Hood appointed on the CHASA Firearm Portfolio Team

Martin Hood appointed on the CHASA Firearm Portfolio Team

The South African Hunters Confederation is pleased to announce that well known firearm specialist attorney Martin Hood has been appointed as LEGAL SUPPORT TO THE CHASA FIREARM OWNERSHIP PORTFOLIO. This is a key portfolio in the CHASA stable and having someone with the experience and ability of Martin on this team takes us to new levels in our capacity to defend our member‟s interests in this critical area.